Saturday 26 October 2013

Cholera.....what do you know about it?

A few days ago, I heard there was an outbreak of Cholera in Lagos. Sadly, some death cases have even been reported. It's really unfortunate that this horrible disease which had been claiming lives in Northern Nigeria has now been discovered in Lagos. However, I was wondering why lives are still being lost to this awful bacterial disease considering the fact that there has been significant advancements in medical treatments and techniques.

Honestly, the only info I knew about Cholera was exactly what I learnt from Integrated Science class while in Secondary school ; Cholera is a water borne disease. That was all I knew about Cholera. Anyway, we have to guard ourselves against this pandemic and believe me, ignorance should not be an excuse. I did a little research about the disease and I have highlighted the details below as simple as it can be and sufficiently suited to the interested Layman. Let's leave the detailed information for the Doctors, yeah? As we all know, knowledge is power!! So please read on-I am no saint but I believe this may help save a life (or even

What is Cholera?        

It is an infection of the small intestine caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae.

How is it transmitted? 

Mostly through water sources which have been contaminated with the bacterium. However, it may also be spread through contaminated food especially raw or semi-cooked food items.

Symptoms and Signs? 

A watery diarrhoea which may contain specks of whitish material (mucus). This mucus may be about the sice of rice pieces. The diarrhoea is usually described as "rice-water stool" and it smells "fishy." In addition, the volume of diarrhoea can be massive. 

Other symptoms include; Vomiting, Rapid heart rate, Loss of skin elasticity, Dry mucous membranes, Low blood pressure, Thirst, Muscle cramps, Restlessness or irritability (especially in children). The disease is also referred to as “blue death” because a victim's skin turns bluish-gray as a result of excessive loss of fluids.

Note that when these symptoms are noticed, immediate hydration would be required to replace the lost fluids and electrolytes (What is an electrolyte??).

Important: If you or anyone you know, exhibits the above symptoms, please run to the nearest hospital immediately!!

Risk Factors?

Drinking water or food that has not been properly treated. The bacterium is usually transmitted by ingesting liquids or food that has been contaminated with faecal matter. Therefore, water should be purified (ie use of Chemicals, Boiling, Pasteurization, etc) and food should be properly cleaned and washed.


Ask the Doctor!!! Besides the aim of this post is to help prevent the spread of the disease and not to advise on how to treat it.


As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and yes Cholera can be prevented. Start by always washing your hands properly with antibacterial soaps (if available), drink treated water especially water from trusted sources, eat cleaned and properly cooked food (please boil your water properly before cooking with it!!) and try to avoid areas that are prone to Cholera (if you can). There are also Oral vaccines which may or may not be available.

Let us make extra efforts to ensure we only surround ourselves with clean things. The size of your pocket is not an excuse for failing in this regard, please. Your health is also your wealth.

Proper sanitation is the key to avoiding this disease. Going forward, think twice before you pay for that drink or buy that meal (the environment matters!!!)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Good job..really love the way you took your time to explain the cholera symptoms....the post would definitely help us protect ourselves from the cholera outbreak. ..


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