Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Her Look was Deception

She looked magnificent; like a precious work of art created by no man’s hands. 

The very lines which expressed her perfect curves and edges were defined without a fault. I could use my finger tips to trace the glorious outlines of her curvaceous physique. I wondered how many crunches a day she endured. Was she into Pilates or Yoga? Or was her body a result of intense Cardio. Who created this woman? Every man that glanced at her wanted her.  Some even fell in love with her by merely looking at her. Any woman that stared her loathed her; because being like her seemed like an impossible feat. She smiled at me. Her stare was contagious. This woman was outright PERFECTION. I took another look. This time I noticed something else; her skin. Oh Yes, the colour of her skin was like a glow from heaven. Not a single blemish on her gleaming skin. My skin had never been like hers: perfect. What on earth would I have to endure to look this HOT?

Another page turns.

I see her again. Wait a minute, it isn’t her. This woman looks superior to the first. Where are these women created? They have the money. They have the talent. They’ve got the look. Life isn’t fair….lol. I must admit it. There is no doubt about it. I fell for her. I wanted to be like her. I wanted to feel exactly the way she felt staring at me. Yes, I fell for the woman in the MAGAZINE…oops.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Michelle Pfeiffer admits she was a member of a cult that believed in human survival without food or water.

Hollywood actress, Michelle Pfeiffer has revealed in  The Sunday Telegraph's Stella Magazine that during her early years in Hollywood, she was once a member of a "cult" that practised Breatharianism. Just in case you are wondering, breatharianism is a form of lifestyle in which the believers claim that food and water are not necessary, and that humans can be sustained solely by energy in sunlight (Wow).

The 55 years old actress who has acted in several block busters including Scarface and Batman Returns said she became involved with a young couple that practised breatharianism. At 20, she was just starting out in Hollywood when she met the "very controlling couple". They taught her about the lifestyle and obligated her to pay guidance fees (and they knew she was trying to earn a living..***hiss). During that period, she was unaware of the fact that she was in a cult. It was actually her FIRST husband that opened her eyes (yes, he made her shine her eye well well).

He Saved her from the "Cult"
Her first husband, Peter Horton had been cast in a movie about the Moonies ( a Cult led  by Rev Moon Sun-myung’s of the Unification Church). She was assisting her then husband with his research on that particular cult. According to Telegraph, the moment of Self realization occurred when they were talking with an ex-Moonie !!!

Anyway, thank God she was saved. She stopped practising Breatharianism and is now a healthy vegitarian. Concerning Breatharianism, I am not going to judge. There have been several reported cases of persons dying during their attempt of the Breatharian diet. However, the lifestyle still has it's old faithfuls who have been practising the diet successfully. 

The lesson to be learnt from Michelle Pfeiffer is that we need to always look before we leap. No matter how desperate you are to be successful in your chosen paths of endeavours, be focused and have a very strong mind. Do not allow desperation make you to be easily manipulated into doing things you would naturally have been against. The fact that some people can survive on only Sunlight does not mean you would. In my opinion, Life is a risk but some risks are not worth taking. You decide!!

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Friday, 1 November 2013

Welcome to November......The end of the year is fast approaching, what charitable deed have you done this year??

Hurray, it's November. Welcome to the new month. Can you believe it is just about 7 weeks to Christmas? Yes, the end of the year is fast approaching. I believe November would prove to be a very special month for everyone. Let's not forget that it is also the month of thanksgiving.

I am absolutely sure that a lot of you made resolutions at the beginning of the year. What percentage of those resolutions have you accomplished? I advice you go back to your list and reflect on it. 

Ask yourself what you have done this year? 
What do you have left to do? 
What have you failed to do? and why did you fail? 

Importantly, did your resolution list contain only things you wanted to accomplish for yourself? What about things you would do for others? Did you include Charity in your list? If you realised that your list was a little bit self oriented, don't beat yourself up. It is not too late to make a difference in someone's life.

Get Ready!!!.....Partial Solar Eclipse on Sunday (November 3rd)

Based on the predictions of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Nigeria would experience a partial solar eclipse on Sunday, November 3, 2013. Exciting, right?? 

To be frank with you, I don't know why I am so excited about this (maybe because the last solar eclipse witnessed in Nigeria was in 2006).