Each spa has it's own unique blend of massage therapies. It could be Swedish, Hot stone, Chinese, Thai, Deep Tissue, Erotic Full body massage, Acupressure, etc. However, no matter the adopted technique or approach, one thing is for sure; you would definitely feel relaxed.
When you make efforts towards your relaxation, you eliminate stress and insomnia ( reduces blood pressure), you increase your chances of having good health, your blood circulation is increased and muscle tension is reduced. Consequently, you become more productive as your energy levels tend to increase as well as your concentration.....impressive, right? So how far are you willing to go to feel relaxed? Would you replace the therapeutic hands of a professional masseuse with crawling SNAKES?? Hmmm....
The snakes are said to provide immense relaxation. Smaller snakes are used for lighter massages while bigger snakes are used for deep tissue massage.
"The movement of the snakes and the adrenaline triggered by fear is said to have a positive impact on the customer’s metabolism." -Washington PostThe question is, are you brave enough to pay for a snake massage??