Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Snake Therapy....Do you want a full body python massage???

We love to pamper ourselves every now and then and besides, there is nothing wrong with spending a day at the spa after a long work week (especially if you can afford it).

Each spa has it's own unique blend of massage therapies. It could be Swedish, Hot stone, Chinese, Thai, Deep Tissue, Erotic Full body massage, Acupressure, etc. However, no matter the adopted technique or approach, one thing is for sure; you would definitely feel relaxed.

When you make efforts towards your relaxation, you eliminate stress and insomnia ( reduces blood pressure), you increase your chances of having good health, your blood circulation is increased and muscle tension is reduced. Consequently, you become more productive as your energy levels tend to increase as well as your concentration.....impressive, right?  So how far are you willing to go to feel relaxed? Would you replace the therapeutic hands of a professional masseuse with crawling SNAKES?? Hmmm....

The snakes are said to provide immense relaxation. Smaller snakes are used for lighter massages while bigger snakes are used for deep tissue massage.
"The movement of the snakes and the adrenaline triggered by fear is said to have a positive impact on the customer’s metabolism." -Washington Post
The question is, are you brave enough to pay for a snake massage??

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Ever heard of the Tweeting Bra???

This is no joke. The Tweeting bra really exists.

Whenever, the clasps are unhooked, a tweet is sent via the registered Twitter account. I guess a lot of male folks would be glad to purchase this as a gift item for their spouses ***wink. 

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Cholera.....what do you know about it?

A few days ago, I heard there was an outbreak of Cholera in Lagos. Sadly, some death cases have even been reported. It's really unfortunate that this horrible disease which had been claiming lives in Northern Nigeria has now been discovered in Lagos. However, I was wondering why lives are still being lost to this awful bacterial disease considering the fact that there has been significant advancements in medical treatments and techniques.

Honestly, the only info I knew about Cholera was exactly what I learnt from Integrated Science class while in Secondary school ; Cholera is a water borne disease. That was all I knew about Cholera. Anyway, we have to guard ourselves against this pandemic and believe me, ignorance should not be an excuse. I did a little research about the disease and I have highlighted the details below as simple as it can be and sufficiently suited to the interested Layman. Let's leave the detailed information for the Doctors, yeah? As we all know, knowledge is power!! So please read on-I am no saint but I believe this may help save a life (or even lives...lol).

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Why do women hate each other?

I am definitely not the only one who has noticed this so called Woman to Woman kpalava. I wonder why we can't stand each other. It's so bad that when I have to go to a meeting or make a call, I hope its a man that would be at the other end. Do men have these issues too? I doubt!!

Let me paint this awkward situation for you: you are a girl, okay? yourself and your spouse are hanging out in the evening at a nice spot. His friend comes around and  brings his woman along. Courtesy demands introductions and all that stuff. The two guys begin the usual discussion- football, business and politics. The girls? OMG. The girls are either pretending to be engrossed on a non-existing BBM chat....AWKWARD!! If its not BBM, then its WhatsApp or they'll be playing a stupid game on their smartphones. Some of us don't use that tactic; we form being engaged in what the boys are discussing..nodding and laughing just to avoid a conversation with the OTHER girl.

Another awkward moment is when the boys step out to order Suya or Fish n chips at the barbecue stand. This is when the girls realise that the environment is beautiful. Especially if it is by the lagoon. Not a single word would be spoken...I wonder why? 

The end of Procrastination

OMG. I created this blog site a long time ago and apparently, I haven't written a single post. I hadn't forgotten about the blog but sh*t happens, right? That's the hand work of our very good friend called "Procrastination".

Procrastination is a thief of time and a good friend that I would love to hate. So from now, I denounce you as a friend . I hate you utterly. Be gone from my life and never ever ever ever ever return. Procrastination, I command you to die now by fire....LMAO. I wish it was that simple jare. Anyways, seriously speaking, a lot of us tend to put things off till the last minute. We even neglect things we love because we feel it is less important. To be sincere, we are so busy with work and life that we assume it is not the right time to do that "less important thing". Look at me for instance, I love to write, I used to draw (even had perfect scores in Fine arts while at secondary school) but this is the first thing I am writing for myself in 3 years (apart from the boring reports and memos of you know where...smh) and I haven't even sketched a pear or an apple in YEARS...pathethic right??

So why do we do it? We have 24 hours a day. 8 hours spent at work or something like that and lets not forget about 5 hours spent in traffic (Lagos life abi). There is nothing wrong with devoting at least 30 mins a day to yourself. Call it "Me time". Indulge in yourself. Spice up your life. Make yourself happy. You deserve it. So please don't put things off till tomorrow- tomorrow never ends.

From now, tell your self that you will do today what you NEED to do today. Have a to do list (this is much easier as a lot of us have Ipads and Smartphones), prioritize your daily tasks (both official and unofficial), find that spark that motivates you to complete projects (it could be anything but please stay away from coffee...lol), and so on and so forth. The power to beat procrastination lies in your mind. Once you identify the thief, deal with it anyway that suites you.

Don't spend your entire life building another person's dream!!!

Do it now

Helpful links:
Stop Procrastinating